Members of a group treated individually ?!

Hello !

I have an issue I’ve never encourterd before ! And it turn me cray =p
I cant find a way to make it work, tough it should be really easy …

I have a group “digits” of 4 Bb named “digit1” “digit2” “digit3” “digit4”.

When I pick a four number code, I just check if the code is ok or not.

I already use that kind of logic many times !!! But this time a meet a strange behaviour.

The correct code is 9862. When I type it, everything is OK.
If I type a code with no correct digit, everything is correctly reset.
But when the code is wrong, but with some correct digits, those correct digits are not reseted !
For example 9772 only reset the 77, since 9 and 2 are ok.

I really dont get it =p
Its like digits are treated and reset independently, tough they should all be reset since conditions are met !

Thanks for your help !

I’m assuming your issue is with the event with the OR condition. The thing with OR is that even if the first condition is true, it still evaluates all of the other subconditions. So, it only picks the objects that meet the conditions. In your case, the objects that don’t have matching text.

I thing if you add a pick all digits as either the last condition or the first action that it should work.

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Wow ! Never noticed the OR condition had this behaviour Oo
Anyway, I add the pick all digits, and it works great !
Thanks for your help, that’s the kind of things I could have waster hours on …

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