Missleading game engine

I didn’t just read it anywhere this reply comes from the developer himself I won’t copy the whole thing out to save reading:

Hey, I’m the lead developer of GDevelop :slight_smile:

Just to clear up some things:

  • “No programming” sounds of course a bit odd, because events are like programming except that you never need to remember a particular syntax, but any similar program (like Game Maker, C2, Stencyl, MMF…) is marketed as such , so for me it was better to use the same “marketing language”. I can’t afford to lose potential users because I didn’t write “no programming” on the website while other software are doing so.
  • Events are displayed in english (or whatever your language is: GDevelop 5 translations in Crowdin) but you do NOT need to write them manually of course! :slight_smile: Just choose an action/condition in a list, fill in parameters using helper windows (or write the name of your object/your number/whatever using the keyboard if you prefer ;)).

Yes we often say “it is require no coding, no programming” but what it actually means is that you don’t need to use a programming or scripting language to implement logic.
Now, expressions can also be considered code which is true and using events is still programming in a way which is also true and because many people complained about this, you can read the new official answer to this question on the new and improved home page:

Events are a powerful way to express the logic of your game, without having to learn a programming language.

But on the forum we still continue to say that it is not require coding and programming because generally when we say code and programming we are talking about a programming language.

Since many already explained this to you and it is not going to change and you didn’t had to pay for GDevelop I personally see no reason to argue about this, I can offer you 3 ways out of this instead:

  1. Accept it and get used to the idea of expressions, you are welcome to ask any questions we are here to help with anything you don’t understand.

  2. Learn programming, I just linked you an excellent coding tutorial series with the p5.js library.

  3. Move on and if you really don’t want to see any type of code ever again, you can use tools like RPG Maker, GameGuru, BuildBox and alike.

Good luck :+1:

Not to mention Unreal engine 4 is also capable of making 2d or 3d games with Node :blush:

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I moved here because I didn’t want to code which makes your remark kind of stupid.

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But it did not cost you anything did it? You can move away as easily as you moved here so I’m really not sure why are you so consistent about this I begin to think you are indeed just trolling.

GDevelop will not change anytime soon so if you don’t like what you see, just move on.
I did give you 3 options that truly do not require code.

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I repeat You can make game with unreal engine 4 with node also known as Blueprint method also which means no coding … And for your kind information you can’t make games without code…also in Gdevelop you are placing pre written codes and making games by that . You need to learn code at some point if you want to make some qualityful games I mean AAA or something like that…

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That is not the point whether it has costed or not it does not give you a reason to mislead people, You’re the one that is consistent as you are replying all the time trying to defend your case which is not working.n No it isn’t trolling on my behalf but i’m starting to think likewise. It even states in that post that I showed you that you had to use that marketing tactic which I find very disappointing.

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Actually I was the only one trying to defend you and agree expression is code in a way and event is programming in a way and offered you 3 solutions and 3 alternative tools to deal with this nonsense and others also tried to explain to you what is the difference between “expression” and “code”.

So in case none of the suggestions and explanations works for you, what can we do to assist you with your problem?

The current official home page, doesn’t say anywhere GDevelop require no coding and no programming so what else can be done?

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This bit is not quite accurate. I stated that I can understand how it can feel misleading as I was under a similar impression when starting out - that is sympathetic.

Anyway, there isn’t much we can personally do about this. Most of us don’t make the decisions about marketing language for the engine and what’s done is done. It is what it is.

You mean offering solutions to cover yourself up.

Please stop offending people, especially since they only tried to help you. This is against the forum rules and if you continue I will have to give you a sanction. Read the rules again in FAQ - GDevelop Forum in case you are not sure something is permitted or not before posting. Thanks :slight_smile:


Yeah, you are very welcome.
Wish you good luck and hope you can somehow recover from this devastating trauma that you had to suffer :+1:

Your source please ?

I close this topic for a short time, for give you the time to thinking.
You’re very active here, that’s great, but don’t forget to have your own opinion, to respect other people, read the real definitions of the words.

To use the latest updated source (not an old version of the site to support what you say).
The new line is to allow more people to create games as easily as possible.
We heard you complains, from what i see you cannot use GDevelop because there is some expressions.

If you suggested an solution for handle the expressions by a easy way, i’ll be glad to discuss about it.

Otherwise you discuss about a old marketing phrase not more valid because the line have change. And this is useless, unless if you want make people upset against you.
In this case i’ll protect everybody, and close this topic.


This topic was automatically opened after 63 minutes.

I don’t find anything misleading with gdevelop as a codeless game engine, of course it is an open-source game engine so there are going to be people that will mess around a little bit with the game engine from the javascript side but for someone new to game programming all you need to worry about is how the syntax of gdevelop works, and by syntax “I mean the events and conditions” which is not considered coding if all you are doing is adding an event and a condition but rather visual programming. Coding actually involves writing scripts with programming languages like java, c++, c#, c, python and a host of other languages out there. Of course anybody can mess with the scripts in gdevelop if they have knowledge in coding and java to better their game.

Anyways for a beginner this is a perfect game engine but you can always try the other game engines out there like godot, construct, stencyl, unity, unreal and even with these game engines you will find a striking resemblance to gdevelop and possibly some even more challenging.

Knowing how to code is always a plus when it comes to game engines. Try out Manu game engine it’s new and made for 3d game design there is absolutely no coding but lots of visual works and clicking.

This is a tutorial I made (In-case you are interested):

I hope you stick with gdevelop it’s a great game engine for beginners.


hey @codefree when you made this exact comment and some insults on my channel i tried my best to explain it to you. Now i am explaining it to you again its not far from the explanation you received above so gdevelop is a game engine which has the ability to make games with or without codes which makes it a perfect game engine for professional game developers and new game developers who have no idea on how to make games or a single line of code. Well gdevelop said its “an easy to use game creator with no programming language to learn” if you pay attention and analyse that you would see that its not far from the explanation everyone has given to you.
I also noticed the repeated questions asked for you to provide a video link, if you claim to have seen tutorials where coding was made compulsory then give a link.
If you ever want to learn how to use the engine with no programming language then use the engine like it has no javascript extension its a good thing by default you dont get the javascript extension unless its created or activated. :+1::+1:

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While the events might look similar to a script sheet, gdevelop is really coding free. You do not require it, at all. Jscript is just there as a bonus, I don’t even use it and I can basically do anything, you only need your mind at work. Also I prefer the script styled events, it feels good, smooth, cool and gets you used to coding style.


@codefree Using GDevelop is free, but finding help is not. You pay for it with respect. Hate and anger will make your journey as game developer very lonely and difficult. Be nice.

If there is anything that you are trying to solve, check the video tutorials and channels created by the community, read the Wiki (the best source of knowledge), or create a topic in this forum with your question. If you are just looking to get started, the first links of the tutorials page will work just fine and you will end up with a few playable games to experiment with.

I have made 3 games in GDevelop without writing a single line of code. I even contributed fixing a bug in one extension, and still didn’t have to write any Javascript for that. However, it still is programming and it is hard sometimes. If you don’t want to research, study, experiment, ask and learn, you may have fun playing games, but making one is not for you.

Peace :v: