Monetisation options

Please add options such as microtransactions, ads, etc. so we can easily monetise our android games. Because selling games on Android isn’t giving much money unless it is high-profile title like Minecraft Pocket Edition.

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Aren’t there 3rd party apps for that already like Admob? I don’t have any experience with them though cause all of my mobile games are free, so I’m not sure how they handle implementations with the games. :smiley:

That is correct. Problem is lack of integration with such services on GD’s part.

Hello y’all
I’m Luna (GDevelop’s Product Designer) and I want to know more about your experiences with Ads and monetisation.

If you’re willing to share your experience with me, please send me an email to or reach to me through Discord (Luni#1896) with your story: who are you, how many games have you published, and how would you like to monetise your game.
