Move frames between animations


I made this topic as a duplicate of [Merged] Move animation frames between animation status because that thread has aged 1 year some days ago and this feature hasn’t been added yet.

But don’t worry, in this thread I will give details and explain more about the feature.

Moving frames between different animations.

Fictional reprodution steps:

  1. Select one or multiple frames of a single animation.
  2. Open the frame context menu.
  3. Click on “Move frame(s) to…”.
  4. A window will pop-up asking you to select a animation number/name.
  5. In the same window, you can toggle if the frames will be either moved or copied to the new destination.
  6. Click on “Confirm”.

Why it should be added?

This is a essential feature to avoid time wasting, imagine that you are in the current situation:

There is a 4-frames animation for you character called “Walk”.

You want to create a new one called “Run”, using the “Walk” frames as a base so you can open it at piskel and edit.

But look! You will have to tediously navigate between a lot of folders to add every single frame again.

And that is the reason why copying/moving frames between different animations is a great idea.

(I am not the owner of the previously linked thread, if anyone’s wondering)

Sorry, but per the request process, duplicate threads for features are not allowed. Please feel free to add your feedback into the existing thread.

Also note, it was only confirmed to be added to the backlog in February 15, 2.5 months ago, not a year ago.