This is just unreal. I mean no disrespect but why was the trigger once moved all the way to the bottom of the list of conditions. I wouldn’t call it advanced. It’s more general and it’s used frequently. I personally feel the entire events and control flow should be moved into general.
This is a scrolled screenshot from the mobile version on an android phone using Chrome.
I NEVER EVER use list to find conditions
It is always search bar for me
So your request makes no sense for me
And i already did propose to allow us to add conditions/actions to favorite which would show up on top so we can put there ones we use the most
That said i am not using mobile version
And now that i think of it i would prefer to scroll rather than type something in search bar on mobile
So from that point of view your request make perfect sense to me
Where i would still say WHATEVER
Just let us create favorite list which would be on top
And now they could put it even on the moon and no1 should care
I’m more of a visual user especially when I’m testing concepts on my phone. Even when using my PC, I tend to click on actions and conditions instead of using the search. I focus more on the icons than the words.
When you search for something, there are usually too many results and I don’t like the way the results are shown. This is sort of unrelated but its still relevant because its the reason that the order of conditions and actions are so important. It would help if the the most used items were on the top otherwise I still spend more time searching for keywords instead of actual coding.
If I start to type trigger, I expect trigger once to show up on the very top. The list should at least be alphabetical.
I don’t understand how some search results are related to the query.
It would be nice if the search was biased towards either previous searches or the most common results. Maybe, exact matches starting from the very beginning of the word (not case sensitive, that’s also been an occasional issue)
I’ll try to get my thought together and post a separate suggestion for the way search works.
Last tip: If like me, you depend on the efficiency of the list, then search is a quicker workaround especially if you use the autocomplete to narrow down the results. The more letters that you type, the fewer results. The Microsoft SwiftKey on screen keyboard allows you to add shortcuts. If you type the shortcut it shows the associated word(s) in the suggested word list.
1 - Again Keith i am not mobile user
For me phone is just to pick up and make calls and listen to music when i am out or when i am in toilet
That is the end of my phone functionality
So do not try to convince to anything phone related
Cause it is like you would try to convince cave man he needs calculator
2 - To my understanding you typed Tri
And it find all condition that had Tri in it
And in fact sorted them alphabetically
Problem is it counted words including TRI
And then it did not sort it by ones that start with TRI
And i see it as good thing
Not for being against you but i tend to type BEG
For At Beginning of Scene
And that would mess it up for me
That is just example it could mess it up for me cause i do not care
But your idea of sorting would mess order for someone else
That is the point
You cannot want to fix a problem for you by making problem for someone else
3 - I read trough your arguments and i have hard time NOT to agree with you each step
But at the same time
I really feel making favorite list
AND/OR recent list would solve your problem 100% + it would benefit all of us at the same time
I really get your idea and i really am all in for it
but it is like trying to put in proper order spices on book shelf in kitchen
You would go alphabetical order cause you can easily deduce where is which spice
BUT after a while you will realize most sense would be to put most used by you spices closer to your reach so ones you use the most
Are easy to pick up
Where at the same time when it comes to trigger once
Making exceptions is always controversial
Trigger once trigger once but then its not trigger once anymore when it comes to for each object
You get my point?
I could tell you my list of conditions that should be on the top
And i bet it would be different than yours
I really would want to either have option to display favorite list of conditions which we can arrange as we please
Above actual list of conditions (same for actions)
And/or recent used list or most used
I think your intentions are spot on
But your way to achieve it is not so perfect
Because again by fixing it for you you could break it for others
When it comes to trigger once
For me it should be slapped as 1st condition on the list
I don’t expect changes which would only benefit me. A lot of search features have options. My suggestion would definitely be for the options. A simple toogle or checkbox either in a dropdown menu near the search or with the other settings. Just 1 or 2 choices.
I love apps that can be customized. Each user is unique. We all have our own way of thinking.
I’m not making any suggestion to changing the search in this post. This is about the sequence of the conditions list. Trigger once used to be near the top but they moved it to the bottom. I don’t really want a change, I’m requesting more of an undo. I just don’t see why a common condition would be moved to the bottom.
I honestly would love a list that was customizable. Something that would allow each user to rearrange or hide sections. I know that is currently just a dream and probably won’t ever happen. I know GD wants to keep things simple for new users. But, I can still dream.
Just FYI, things discussed have not been implemented (shortcuts or most used) but the search should have been improved. If you have feedback about the search results, please let us know.
Regarding the position change in the list, it’s a result from moving the Advanced category at the end of the list, which seems natural. We should consider getting the TriggerOnce in a different category.
That would be appreciated. Trigger once is used frequently and it’s a hassle to scroll to the bottom each time.
My issues with search are complex and might not be easily enacted. While everything is possible, I realize that it’s not always practical. The needs of the many and all.
I’ll try to get my thoughts on the search feature together and I’ll start a thread at some point.
I agree completely that cntrol flow should be on top of the list…and better if trigger once and other control flow are not even in a group…
many times i dreamed during nights not grouped control flows like in v4…
Imagine better if we have some category on top we could adjust to our needs and put there conditions we use often
Cause even so i Keith and you some condition use as in same repeating manner
Others we don’t so putting something that i use often on top could penalize you both cause it is something you do not use as often
List which we can customize would make more sense for me
Where we need to start somewhere and trigger once on top would be perfect start