Moving diagonally is faster and I dont like it

I want moving diagonally to be the same speed as forward.
I’m using TopDownWalk for the movement, its a 3d game

What can be done to solve this?

Here’s the possible reason why.

To fix this, you’ll have to create your own movement control events. In them, check if 2 adjacent keys are pressed and multiply both the x and the y position change by 0.71. This is a close approximation of normalising the vector as described in the YouTube short.

can you suggest to me a basic way to do 3d movement controls WASD ?

also , couldnt I keep using the built in TopDownWalk controls, but add an additional check for if W+A pressed, or if W+D pressed, and then reduce the move speed while that check is true?

Try is out and see what happens. It may work, in which case it’s a simpler solution to your problem.

heres what I managed to work out, funny enough by using the controller Stick control emulation
this seemed to totally solve the problem for me, im just not sure if the angles are perfectly right, as I had to ask chatgpt for help figuring out the angles.
The movement now feels uniform no matter what direction I go in