Multiplayer independent cam shake

So I’m working on multiplayer for my game, where I use the “smooth camera” behavior for one player instance, then desynchronize it (like in the tutorial on YT).

Now is there a way to make camera shake only on one window, maby a different solution to splitting the camera on multiplayer?

Why not use the exact same approach as in the tutorial?

Could you explain the issue a bit better? When you say multiplayer, do you mean all players on one screen, split screen or all players with their own device & screen?

And could you link to the tutorial? There are many around, we don’t know which one you’ve been working with.

Ok so I use the multiplayer function of gdevelop, where you connect lobbies to play. I made a player instance with “smooth camera” an a new instance is made for each player in the lobby (with an index variable). I test multiplayer by opening up 2 previews and joining the same lobby.

I used this tutorial to set it up:

So far I always used the “camera shake” extension to shake the camera, but when i test it in multiplayer, each instance of the game shakes the camera when condition met.

I was wondering if there is a solution to make the camera shake only on one instance of the game.

Can you screen shot the events that do the screen shake?

Again, why don’t you just do it the way the tutorial says to do it?

it’s in external events so i can copy paste it easier (and modify).

the tutorial doesn’t say anything about camera shake

Can you include a few of the events before the screen shake event? I can’t tell which player the shake is being applied to, or what the conditions are.

You are trying to disable a behaviour for other players. That is literally 100% exactly what the tutorial is about.

Could you link to the section in the tutorial that covers this? It may well be that you are both writing about different tutorials.

No, this is very simple. OP watched a video explaining how to desynchronize a behavior. OP asks how to desynchronize another behavior, not understanding that it’s the same process for both behaviours.

camera shake is an extension i don’t know if you can desynch extensions

The extension doesnt propagate to other players, so that can’t be it. Must be the events which trigger the shake.

Which is exactly why I asked: