Multiple video files

Hi guys,
Are there any news about the final version of video support? I am doing a few desktop productions (Windows 10) with video content and would really appreciate support for more than one video per scene. Or is there a workaround? Would it be possible to create that with custom programming in any way?



Not sure what you mean by this. Just like with Text objects, your video object has a singular configuration, meaning no matter how many instances of that one object you have, if you update the content of one, it updates all of that specific object.

If you want another video to display, simply make a new video object and choose a different file. You can create as many unique video objects as you want and use them in the same scene.

Ok sorry, but that’s really good news. In the documentation it says that you can only have one video per scene. If you place two different videos on the scene it will only be possible to play one of them. I should have tested first before writing here. Now I know that it actually works, since I just tried. My bad. So why is the video feature “experimental”?



It was just bumped up to standard in the next release. It’s just not out yet.


Just to clarify, that is not what the documentation says. It says if you place the same video object (or resource) in the scene, and press play, it will play all of them. Different video objects with different video files are not impacted by this.

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