The expected result I am trying to create is depth for a 2d RPG style game and am trying to connect the Z order to the Y value so the player can appear behind an object when the Y value is larger than it, and in front when the Y value is less than it.
After following 6 tutorials, and messing around with it myself I can’t fix the issue. The player keeps staying behind to object and never in front. If I didn’t do anything to the Z order it would constantly stay in front of the object. I even tried Setting the players z order to the objects z order +1 when colliding with it, and that didnt work either.
Please help in any way possible. I’ve been trying to learn Gdevelop for a week now, honing a single skill every day for 30 minutes and I’d hate to waste all my effort just to start over and relearn.
and it will mostly work depending on how far down the screen the table is. If the table is pretty high up, you could run that condition and change the origin point of the girl to the bottom instead of top left. Just go in to Edit Points in the object editor.
There is also an extension called Y-Sort that does the same thing only as a behavior you can add to each thing you want it on.
Or you can just use the condition you show in your image, but instead of changing the table z-order set to girl z-order + 1, set it to girl z-order -1.
Do as @Lucky-j has suggested and use the Y-Sort extension. It’ll need to be added as a behaviour to every object that the player can move in front of and behind, as well as the player object itself. But it does all the work for you.
And move the origin of your objects to near the bottom of each sprite. If the origin is in the top left, then the move behind and in front doesn’t work if objects are different heights.