Need help with the battle thing

so after the fight i need to be on the position where i fought the enemy
i tried the same thing i did with the player position after scene change

any ideas?

what happens if you do not change to a specific scene in the last line, but just let it resume (like you do in the line before that)?

just guessing, i am not a pro myself

unfortunately it does not work

i just checked how i do the scene change, and i found 2 diffrences.
in your first screenshot you “pause and start First fight” and “load first fight” isnt that double loading?

same goes for your “stop and resume” you load back to “the village” and load “the village” again ( iam assuming you changed to “first fight” from “the village”)

can you please show me how you do that?

sure i have just implemented a second scene change today:
here is the one i talked about yesterday:
this one is triggered if i get close to an NPC, press the upcomming F-Key when i am close and choose from the buttons to change the scene or stay where i am:

to get back after my battle i just have

i used the template from gdevelop for monstertamer games to get this.

There were no problems when it came to encounter transition. But when you win and press z, the battle scene just restarts

i am not sure, if i understand exactly.

you are still in your “First Fight” want to load the previous scene which should be and instead you restart the scene “First Fight”?

now that i think of it, it might be because i do not have a code to delete the enemy i am in collision with… any advice?

do you release your keys or just press them?
if i press key the scene will just flicker, but if i perform my actions on release the scene change works as expected.
in the game scene:

and when i want to switch back i have this in the “inventory” scene:

how do your events look like now? still the same as in your first screenshot?
i guess you should delete the hoodiebird right after the resume:

didn’t work unfortunately

so i sent you my reply, visit the topic to see it

what happens if you move the subevent right below the “when paint effect ends” event?

i am running out of ideas right now.

i tried to recreate a scene change.
and i also had the issue that my game does not resume as expected.

but i got it to work (dont mind the names)
in my main scene its

(i set some coordinates for my player away from the collision object door to stop reentering)

in the “inventory” scene it looks like this:

not sure if this goes in the direction you wanted to achieve?

well i need the enemy to be deleted, also, this still did not work

i am sorry, i am out of ideas, maybe someone else has the right idea.

ask someone for help

i sent an advice 3 days ago, visit the topic to see