Need to use cam zoom as condition


I need to use the current camera zoom value as a condition in the events window, is that possible?

Thanks in advance.

Sure it is.

Save the current camera zoom into a variable and then use that variable in the conditions. For example:

z is pressed
Variable zoom is < 2. 

Do + 0.1 to camera zoom. 
Do + 0.1 to Variable zoom 
x button is pressed 
Variable zoom is > 0.2

Do - 0.1 to camera zoom 
Do - 0.1 to Variable zoom

Thanks Mats, I think of that before, save the camera zoom value to a variable and update it every time that the zoom changes.

I’ll do this. I was just wondering why there is not an automatic way to make a refrence to it in the coniditions.

You could ask why there is not an automatic way to do everything, but why waste time implementing all these things you can do really easily with variables when you can spend time adding new features and improving the program?

Because, although I know many programming languages, I’m not a skilled programmer.
That’s the reason because I’m using this (wonderful) game engine with IDE instead of being writting my own game code.