New Gdevelop extensions

Hello, I’m creating some extensions for you.

If you need a specific extension just ask, maybe I already have the codes ready in my games.

However, I don’t make any promises, at the moment I have to focus my efforts on publishing the games.

Here are some examples of extensions that I am creating.



Thanks it’s just wonderful

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These look are really cool looking effects. That blur/wake effect is pretty neat, and it’s fantastic you’re planning to offer them for everyone else to use.

May I suggest that if you provide these extension, maybe add a project using them as examples (like a scene per extension example)? Then devs can isolate an extension and it’s visual effect.

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These are just a few, then I will make other videos, you can modify almost everything, for example in shadows I have entered 11 editable parameters (some optional) and I want to add others.

(I have also entered recommended values ​​that are activated if you leave it blank.)

(Also you can use multi instances without interference)

I recommend, if you need something ask and I will be happy to help, if I am able :smile:

Wow, I love the “black tail”

@BeeaarGames Woah, you are doing some really unique and wonderful things here! I would love to work with you to get your extensions added into GDevelop. If this is something you are interested in, please let me know!