NPC, Enemy Movement

How do I get it to where Enemies and NPCs can move on their own without having to follow the player to move but can move on their own like have their own AI that’ll work
Its very tricky for me to do something like this so I really need some assistance with it

Depends, could you post an image showing where you want them to move?

I can’t really screenshot it since my computer died and I don’t have the charger but basically I want them to move like how they would in early Pokémon games but with more freedom and have pixel perfect movement so it fits and they stop and wait every few seconds, I’ve never managed to Get to work though

I’m not at home right now so I don’t have my computer, but I will make a video when I am able.

This should help.

sry i wasnt able to help

Ninjo, there’s no need to use the AND conditional.

Idk, I’ve done it without it before, and it only went based on one condition. I makes me feel better to use it.

Oh cool, I just found something perfect for this. Go to the extensions tab, and find the random movement with pathfinding extension.

That should work perfectly

Thank y’all for helping me

No problem. I love helping people with gdevelop

quick question, do you have discord and if yes what is your username so that way its eaier for me to contact you for help?

Yeah, I do, do you want my server(pretty empty) or my username?

I will just give you my server: Ninjonahplayz's server I have been meaning to get more members any ways

k thx, my user is tacopixels

Ok cool, I sent you a friend request

it’ll be a bit when I accept it since Im currently at school so when I get home I’ll check it

I’m using that now but I was just looking a way to make it more efficient, I’m going to change the code out for something simpler and easier to modify without breaking my game
Than you though!