I’d like to see at least in the Instance Panel the number of the object instance im working on.
For context…
Im making inventories in my current game, and decided to try and make it as simple as possible so then i can teach people how to create their own in a simple manner.
My approach was to make a single Slot Object and then check if that slot was Empty or Full.
The way i do this is when the item exists in the inventory and the inventory opens, the item is created on a Slot with the boolean Full set to False.
So if the the boolean is set to True, it moves on to the next slot and checks if that one is False, if it is, the object is created there.
So why is Instance Number relevant? Because of the order the Instance are checked.
The original Object is #1 and is the first one to be checked, then next to be checked is the first copy of that object, and then the second and third and so on…
So my items get placed in the order that the Instances were created.
If i for some reason loose track and rearrange the slots while trying different configurations, i have no way of know which is which unless i check the instance list and clique on them one by one to see them match in the editor.
It would be much nicer if i could just select and object in the editor and see its Instance Number in the Instance panel.
Afterall it is the Instance Panel, this seems like good info to have on there
For example, instead of just having “Instance - Slot” it could have its number on there as “Instance #3 - Slot” or something along those lines.