Object Folders to sort with for GDevelop

I had an Idea that would be a huge quality of life improvement. Item folders, sometimes when making bigger games the amount of Objects can become difficult to manage. This is an Object you can add to object lists and can be named that contains Object inside it that can be accessed with a drop down menu.

I am requesting this feature as I am trying to make a big game. But scrolling down the objects, even when sorted, can be time consuming. And the ability to sort objects in smaller spaces would be amazing.


Whenever you make a feature request, ensure you’re following Luni’s request process in this thread: Welcome to the User Feedback channel!

One of the main requirements is to not generate duplicate threads, and requires searching for existing threads to vote up or comment on instead of making duplicates.

There are actually quite a few existing threads requesting object folders. The good news is that it’s being looked at by the dev team! You can read more about it here: [Feature in Backlog] Object Folders - #9 by Luni

Because this is a duplicate of an existing feature request, this thread will now be closed and hidden from the main forum.