Object stops rotating halfway through rotation

I am making a game where two players punch a swinging arm back and forth

but it just stops halfway through the rotation

P1 is on the right, and P2 is on the left

Do you mean the pendulum? For rotation events to work properly, you have to align the sprite horizontally before importing it to your project. You can read about angles here: Basic game making concepts - What you need to know to start with GDevelop - GDevelop documentation.

The sprite should by default look like this
otherwise it won’t work properly.

Ok, I will try that, thank you.

And @Drona

If 1 is pivot point or axis around which it rotate

And 2 is how red part rotates around creating circle

Then image of that object should look like

And its center point should be here

Also do not use if all of these conditions is true
it is mean to be used inside OR statement
Where by default all your conditions in event needs to be true so what’s the point?

And i think this will make you more happy

Player 2 on the left player 3 on the right
Hit space


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Of course you are right. I was not sure which part of the pendulum is the pivot, but after looking at your image it makes more sense this way.

It’s working now, I just had to rotate the image, thank you both!