Online learning app(slide notes+quizzes)

Hi Gdev,
Im thinking on making mobile app sort like slide+quizzes. Is this possible in gdevelop with some sort of database?I would love to have:

  1. Login system with existing mail and premade password for my students,so only authorized person can view)

  2. As they go thru the slide-like notes,they will answer quiz that also tracked by a database.


If security isn’t super critical, i’ve done stuff like this using an MQTT broker as database. Its not super user friendly if you don’t know mqtt, but I did some multiplayer gps based scavenger hunts that required a login/password and tracked all progress in mqtt so you could view it/modify as a game master.

Thanks bro. i miss your reply. But i already able to save data from Gdevelop to google sheet using google sheet appscript and gdevelop send http request. The hardest part is gdevelop dont use JSON formatted text so i have to use a lot escape() to create a string to send

For a simpler login system you could also try using Google’s Firebase, it’s pretty good and user friendly, also having direct compatibility with GDevelop

out of curiosity, what json formatting would you be after?