Option in context menu to remove project from list but not delete it

Note: Since the 5.5.220 update, the “Create” section has now been merged with the “Manage” section. To understand the main changes head to Games - GDevelop documentation

Right now if we click that 3 dots on the right we only have option to

Show local folder of our project or delete it
I would wish to also have there option to remove it from list and not delete it

Unless that is what delete is doing cause i did not hit delete cause i am not sure what will be deleted

Will it be deleted from the list?
Wille it will be deleted from my acc?
Or whole game folder will be deleted?

Isn’t this feature already added. Pretty sure that’s what unregistering your game does. That being said, an option to unregister a game from the … menu would be nice.

I am talking about removing it from list
I see option to delete it
Delete what and from where?
Delete entry from list?
Then it should be called “remove from list”
Now you talk about ungegistering and for me it would be like remove game from my “library” of games that it is not anymore project connected to my acc

Indeed, the option “delete” will only appear when there is only one project in your game. The option will not show if there are 2 or more projects inside that game.
If you choose to delete the game it will: unpublish it, and delete the game.
In the case of the example image published by ZeroX4, the project files will remain because they’re local files (instead of cloud projects).

Just for future reference: if a creator wants to unpublish their game, they can do it through Game > Game Dashboard (the Manage button) > Game details

I see that the game displayed on the image is published and has some things on like player feedback.
I wonder: why would you like to remove the game from the game list (not delete them)?

Yeah that would be stupid
But that was 1st game on the list i had so i used it as example

Where here only save load example is mine rest is not

So why they need to occupy space on my list?

But that is one scenario
What if i have 5 projects but i decided for now with my knowledge i will not be able to do anything i want to 2 of them
So for next month i gonna focus on other 3 projects
I should have ability to remove these 2 projects from which i gonna take a break

I do not want to delete them from my account i do not want to delete any files
I just want to remove entry from list
For me that list is like you have in many programs
So you can use Open to open any file from your device
Or go to History and open any of project you lastly opened
I only ask for option to delete individual entries from history list

I see now. You would like a view to focus on the games currently active.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cloud storage program that “hides” a file? I think it’s either “delete” or “archive”.
For this scenario (not seeing less relevant games on the list), I think the “last modified” option on the right of the search input would do the job: Irrelevant projects will be progressively pushed to the bottom so they won’t be visible among those with which you’re interacting at the top.

I wrote huge wall of text like always but then on end i realized it is easier way to explain it
I gonna split it into Short Part and Wall of Text Part

So Short Part

This was only image with it on discord i found
Screenshot had already that red rectangle and is not important
Below it where arrows point on entry is “remove from list”
And i only ask to get it back

Wall of Text Part (And this you do not read cause it is just explaining above)

Let’s put some logic into what i mean

As you see i have here open project button
Which means i could have some project/game that exist but is not on this list

This is my save / load example for ppl to learn from how to well save and load

It took me few days to make it i finished it now there is nothing to fix in it and nothing i gonna change
I do not want to remove it as a project
Which i could open by using open project button
I just want to remove it from list
I wont need it there and in like half year from now i will realize i can add something to it or make it easier for ppl to understand
Then i would use open project button to open that project
But for that half year i do not need it to take spot on the list

And i saw it in many apps for example in aseprite

Recent file list is right there
Big Red Siren is this
Big Red Siren

Took me 27 frames to draw it
I made it in libresprite when i discovered it and then opened it in aseprite later when i discovered aseprtie
Now there is nothing for me to change in it
Unless one day i decide i want siren to be blue or have orange or green one
But for now it just sits there on the list and littler it by taking place some other project could occupy

Well yeah my list is kinda empty anyway but that is not my point
I do not want to delete Big Red Siren project
I only want to remove its entry from recent files list
Cause i do not need it there it is just occupying space some other project could occupy
While i do not want to get rid of project file forever
I want to keep it but i do not want it to occupy spot on the list

Super high level:

Having ever project ever opened in the project list seems to be a lot of noise.

ZeroX4 is asking for an option to remove projects from the list (or at least hide them) so the list only displays relevant information.

If using the web version, it probably shouldn’t show local projects at all since it can’t open them.

Or at minimum, the “default” sort should be “recently opened and known projects” which hides any ‘Not found’ projects entirely. and then a filter explicitly for “Not found” projects.

(Although for me, I’d like the above and an option to outright filter between cloud and local).