So after a long time working on a project, I saw that my external layout has some not needed scene objects. Because they were the same as the other scene, I assumed that these were copied over to this external layout and that I don’t need them (as I use only global objects for my external layouts). After some time, I found out that I just deleted some of the scene objects from the linked scene…
Of course now I know how it works, but for someone who hadn’t paid attention to it, the idea that the scene objects tab is not reserved only for the “displayed” scene is not so obvious. Or maybe I’m just dumb. The external layout linking is not so obvious either, but that’s diffrent topic.
All in all, I think it would be a good idea to add a thought-provoking text like "Scene Objects (from Name_of_main_linked_scene). Same with Scene Groups.
I know this is a little rant, but I really think that UX with external layouts could be improved. Now I go off to recreate my deleted objects…