hello community,
I am new to the forum and I am creating my first game on this platform.
The problem is that associate a sound to an event in the browser works perfectly but when exported the proyect to Crosswalk for Android does not play the sound. I used the latest version of gdevelop (3.6.84) and Intel XDK (latest version too).
To make sure there was a problem of my game, I used one of the sample projects that come with the platform and have modified an event to add a sound, but the result was the same.
I have already done a thousand tests without result
I have some issue on the past. I have reads some articles about this. Not all .wav files are recognised by some android devices. This caused by the format of audio file. Some of 32-bit .wav file are failed to play on android devices. To fix this please follow this step (I am using udacity on here) :
Open your audio file using Audacity (you can get it here audacityteam.org ).
Change the properties of the .wav audio
Choose 16-bit PCM (this audio format compatible on almost android devices)
Export audio, File>Export Audio (choose your export format)