Published game doesn't work

I created a game and used it in preview lots, But after I published it, it pausing on a scene tells me( Logging in…) one moment, we are opening a window for log…And still there without logging.
How can I solve that?

Is this an authentication window?

No just logging by opening lobby.

Hmm, I’m not sure. Are you logged in to Does it show you a lobby at or a blank window with not button to push join or start?

If you are on a computer and it happens, are there any error messages when you press ctrl + shift + i, and check the outputs in the console tab?

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This is the message I got

I use an android mobile.

It was solved after adding this

Strangely, I didn’t put this condition in an old game, And it worked well with logging!!


I wondered if it was going to be the authentication window. You could probably use an authentication banner too. I put a dedicated login scene after the title scene to let the player login if not logged in, log out if logged in, or continue as a guest for offline play with game play saved to a different storage. I was just thinking it would be less confusing for the player than letting them get to the lobbies and then finding out they had to create an account or sign in to play.

Glad you got it fixed, you’re on a roll!.

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Wow, Do you mean that the player doesn’t have to log in with lobby? I mean with Email, Please show me how.

No, they do have to log in if they want to use the lobby. The project I’m working on can be optionally played alone without a lobby, for which I don’t require a sign in or email address. The reason I provide a logout option is so they can choose to do some offline play if they had already logged in and played the lobbies a bit, or to logout so someone else can login and play in the lobbies - in case of sharing a device.

Oh but if you meant do they have to login in the same scene that opens the lobby, no they don’t. I have several scenes before the lobby is reached. It still sees them as authenticated/logged in.

Yeh I got it. Thank you :smiling_face: