Put 3D objects in front of 2D objects?

How do I…

I have a 3D object that I want to be rendered behind a 2D object, changing Z-layers of either the 2D or 3D object does not do anything, however, putting one object on another layer does, but this apparently creates multiple cameras which I do not want.

What is the expected result

3D object rendering behind a 2D sprite

What is the actual result

3D object always renders in front of all 2D sprites

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setting the “depth” value of the 3D object to “0” does accomplish what I want, but it strips the object of all color / light

Changing the “center point” of the 3D object mostly does what I want it to do, sometimes the sprite can be stuck in the middle of the object, this works well for now

You can change its z order via code, and it works… make sure you’re changing the instance you need in case you’re firing bullets, can not seem to change Z order via properties

Changing the z order on the 2D object won’t change anything, you have to change the 3D object’s z.