Put the date in a variable and time in another variable?

hi, i need to retrieve date and time, to put them in a separated variable…to work than thim them…

Can some body help me please, step by step…?? i don’t see many examples like this…Gdevelop is great but not so many intuitive for me…best regards…Lestroso

This may help

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have a look at the below, it will put the current time into a variable named time and the current date into a variable named date

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Sorry i did not ask if you needed the numeric values, if you copy and past the JavaScript below into a JavaScript event it will put put the separate values into the scene variables


if you edit the script you can change them to whatever you like

// Get the current date and time
const now = new Date();

// Break down the time
const hours = now.getHours(); // Get current hour (0-23)
const minutes = now.getMinutes(); // Get current minutes (0-59)

// Break down the date
const day = now.getDate(); // Get current day of the month (1-31)
const month = now.getMonth() + 1; // Get current month (0-11, so we add 1 to make it 1-12)
const year = now.getFullYear(); // Get current year

// Pass the values to GDevelop variables

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thanks a lot for your precious code and answer… this work fine for me …but i have had to create 2 variables to set your demo code…thanks a lot again…Lestroso

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