[Request] For-Loops in GDevelop

Hey, I’ve been trying out GDevelop 5 lately, and it’s actually pretty good! One thing, How about adding For-Loops in events? Here’s how I would implement it if I were part of the team:

For int / float [Variable] = [Start Point]; [Variable] [Compare Sign] [Stop Point]; [Variable] ++/- -
E.G: For int I = 0; I < 12; I ++

Triggers action while the For-Loop is running
E.G: Set Position of [object] to I * 3, 40

If you noticed, the variable “I” is inside the Action, so if I = 4, then the X position of the object is set to 4 * 3, which equals 12.

So, I’ll list a few examples so you can get what’s going on.
I = 0 → 0 * 4
I = 1 → 1 * 4
I = 2 → 2 * 4
I = 3 → 3 * 4
And so on…

If this was implemented, I’d be really happy!

For that can’t you just use a while event? like

if () {
    set i to 0
while (i != 89) {
    add 1 to i
    Other events

Yea, but I think implementing this might save some space in some situations

I think it’s unnecessarily complicated (as complicated from implementing as complicated to use for the unexperienced users). I do see why it would be cool tho.