Resource bar bug

How do I…

Get rid of the weird resourcebar bug when i have 0 health left

What is the expected result

Normal empty resourcebar

Related screenshots


Thanks in advance

The solution for this problem was setting left and right margin of the fillbar on 0

Can you give a bit more information?

Are you using an extension?

Can you add a screenshot of the events that update any of the resource bar values or parameters?

Im using the resourcebar extension together with the health extension and when i do damage and the healthbar gets to zero i have this view on my healthbar, but also when i do this with my energybar that is connected to a variable. Both have the same bug

Can you provide a screen shot of the events that modify the resource and health?

This was reported earlier this year. They said it was bc of how panel sprites are rendered. Evidently, the ends reverse or go past each other.

That’s not really a valid excuse. Either the panel sprite needs to be modified or the resource bar should work around it by limiting the size and then maybe hide the panel spite progress marker for 0.

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