Retry buttone & Position

I am making a game of 5 levels.When my player dies the gameover scene appear.In game over scene I want to make an retry button. It means if I press the retry button the before scene will start again.And can anybody tell me how can I use position of an object or anchor point to make position of a sprite to
[Top Right , Top Left , Middle , Bottom Right , Bottom Left]…Thanks in advance

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hi maybe i don’t untertand what you want but you can store the level scene in a global variable and go to this scene when retry button is pressed.
The oder question i don’t understand sorry

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Can you tell me, how can I set the green sprite position in similar position as those red sprite?

you could use windowscenewith and height functions to get the size and tehn substract the size of sprite, for example for 4 circle
set position to windowscenewidth-circle4.width,windowsceneheight-circle4.height
P.S. Use appropiate sintax I write from memory

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Thanks It was helpful .You saved me.