Rotate in new tilemap

I want a button in the new Tilemap painter to rotate the tile.

It would make it so that I wouldn’t have to create more pixel art.



As a workaround:

If you click on the two flip buttons your image will be rotated in certain directions.
And the image of the tileset can be edited to add more rotated tiles.

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It cant flip straight lines sideways, but I do understand this idea might be to much work.

Mirror and flipping only create the top four whereas rotation would give you the bottom 4.


(Yes, I realize that 2 of the bottom 2 can be created with mirroring and not mirrored. I just wanted to demonstrate the sequence)


I see the need for rotating a tile. I’m giving a solution while someone adds this option.
Anyway, I’ll follow up on the idea to the team.


Thanks. The tile map editor is new. I’m sure it will receive a lot of new options. I love having a built-in editor. It’s so much easier than exporting and importing. Plus you can instantly test it.

About rotating…mind if i ask if arbitrary angled tiles are allowed…(or are they going to be implemented later)…aka slopes?..mostly for sidescroll platformers

I’m sure it will grow as people use it and make requests. My wishlist would include custom hitboxes, being able to add names to tiles instead of just numbers, non-square tiles, maybe eventually mixed custom sizes. People are already wanting animated tiles. That would probably be several versions down the road.

The nice thing about it being built-in is that you can create smaller maps. So, even if you couldn’t mix sizes, you could have maps with tiles with different dimensions and ratios and either layer them or put them in different areas.