Rotating maze game

Hi I have a student who is attempting to make a rotating maze game. So far to no avail as we cannot get the maze to rotate! Here is what we have done so far:

Tried using a single sprite as the maze, then editing the collision masks to only cover the outside square wall and internal walls - the result is however the player sprite always spawns outside of the sprite and falls away.
Tried editing a gap into the collision mask - the result is the player sinks halfway in but will not ‘enter’ the sprite
Tried making the maze from multiple blocks and childing them to a single transparent parent block in the centre - the result is all instances spin on their own centre/pivot point but will not rotate around the central block. We have been at this for a few hours now but running out of ideas, has anyone achieved something like this? Thanks very much

Should mention posts looked at already:

try having the maze rotate by holding down an input and just have it happen infinitely as long as you hold it down

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Can you post a pic of the maze? I’m having a hard time picturing it. Does it use the physics behavior for the walls? Does the player walk through the maze or is it more like a gravity based puzzle game with a ball or something?

Sticking the objects to a hidden object that gets rotated seems like a good approach. For physics, you could create weld joints. For non-physics there’s a sticker behavior.

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Hold RMB for spin to win
Press Tilde (button above tab or below escape or left from 1) to reset scene
WASD + space to move/jump
Press F13 for instant regret

Los videos por favor

In case video don’t load

BTW GroundTile2 is that 1 single tile on screen close to HP 100%
And everything Spin2Win around it

While camera is following PLAYER only on X axis
Hence it looks like shiet but works whatever

I did not test it before
But turns out it works perfectly fine without for each object

Don’t make it all one sprite unless you are going through and custom making the collision box. Instead put all parts of the maze into a group and rotate the whole group. That should rotate them properly. (I think)

Turns out you just need one variable for angle
Because distance stays the same

To clarify
In 2nd event you can see i am adding 1 to angle of platforms and 1 to angle var of platforms
You need to add SAME value to variable as you are adding to platforms angle
Cause you are adding SAME value to their angle between GroundTIle2 which is their pivot point
Imagine it like clock arms
IF you are only adding 1 to variable you will get this


That is why you also need to add 1 to angle of platforms themselves

@ZeroX4 thank you so much I have the class today, will look through all this with the student and respond!

I’ll try the below then get back to you if we’re still stuck, thanks for responding!


Got it, brilliant. Thanks so much

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If you would read my last replay
Then you would know that distance var is not needed