I made a counter that runs when I hit a key on the keyboard to tell if any values are being saved. Nothing changes on that counter when saving changing the number, and loading to the old value.
I also disabled physics when the game is saving and loading. Its supposed to re enable physics after loading, and saving is done.
From what I know of saving is working perfectly fine.
Loading the game seems to just freeze the ball and it never goes back to having physics.
Do i need the scene to reset after loading all the values???
Did i create a game breaking bug??? I can post more if needed later. ill be back home at 7pm est today.
This is the last thing I have to do before publishing the game to the public! Please give me any advice! I will forever be grateful for your help!
Thank you so much! I had it loading a value instead of loading a text! Simple mistakes lead to strange events! Ill make sure to include you in the credits for helping!
You were checking for “GameSave1” when it should have been “SaveGame1”
As for the freezing issue, I’m not surprised since the event doesn’t have any sort of “lock”. You have these conditions:
Ball in collision
Up is pressed | do stuff
This means the event will trigger every frame where the ball is colliding and the up key is pressed. So if there are 60 frames per second and you press the UP key for just half a second, that means the event will trigger 30 times.
You’ll need some other condition to make sure it only happens once. The “Trigger once” condition is a fairly easy way to do that. If you want more direct control, you could use a variable to indicate that save/load is in progress. Or you could just check if the ball is dynamic (since you then set it to static in the actions)