Save Games not working. How can I do it properly?

How do I Setup proper saves??? I thought I was doing this right but the game never loads for me. Im not even sure its saving…

I made a counter that runs when I hit a key on the keyboard to tell if any values are being saved. Nothing changes on that counter when saving changing the number, and loading to the old value.

I also disabled physics when the game is saving and loading. Its supposed to re enable physics after loading, and saving is done.

From what I know of saving is working perfectly fine.

Loading the game seems to just freeze the ball and it never goes back to having physics.

Do i need the scene to reset after loading all the values???

Did i create a game breaking bug??? I can post more if needed later. ill be back home at 7pm est today.

This is the last thing I have to do before publishing the game to the public! Please give me any advice! I will forever be grateful for your help!

Updated to new variable system