Hi, I’m trying to make two different versions of my game. It’s an example game of an extension. I want two different versions, one for gdGames and the other one to submit as an example with a small difference between them.
But I can’t separate their identities. I’ve tried different folders, different game names, different package names and also opened the json file of one of them in a text editor and changed the projectUuid name. I also changed the build name on one of them in the Dashboard manage game section. But nothing works.
I want to be able to unpublish one of them and the other one stays published. But they have the same identity and what happens to one also happens to the other.
So, how do I separate them? What is it that defines them? I’ve tried so many things but have I missed something obvious?
Oh, I forgot to mention that one, the json files do have different names. I’ve tried so many things, but maybe the order of them matters and I did it wrong.
Here’s what I did it, it worked for me: Go to the game’s save folder > make copy of JSON > rename the JSON to something else > go into the JSON file > change the “name” part to something else > go back into GDevelop app > click the open project button and open the newly saved project > save the project.
Hi weadsy1, I have just been trying more things too and I seem to have also now succeeded in getting two different versions. I changed the projectUuid name in the json file again for the one I don’t want on gdGames. I now think that either your way or my way would work. But I think the thing that made the difference for me was that I unpublished the game first and then edited the json file. Next, I re-published the original game and the second one remained unpubished.Unproven, but something went right.