Saving a Structure into an Array & Loading The Correct Index

so… I want to be able to move all children of a structure into 1 child of an array per day.
all exercises and food would go under this child (saved as the date) and you would be able to load each child through the date to compare values

currently, I’m saving all calories/proteins/fat under Daily - so,,, daily.fat and included if I needed it here for pulling info in the future…
save/load works and I can see everything from the Daily variable when loading it back up, but want to save each day under a different array child/index (i think…) which would be the current date

I’ve tried the For Every child in X move to X, but may have just done it wrong and need some help.

Am I on the right track, or do I need to completely rework this idea?
any suggestions would help!
feels like i’m just a couple lines off and have been losing my mind over this…

basically need:
WorkOutJournal to create a new child if its a new day
all Dailies to go into WorkOutJournal at that days index
then be able to recall the values of specific day through the index