Saving and loading levels

hi. i am trying to add a level editor to my platformer game but i am having trouble saving and loading the placed blocks in the level. i want you to be able to place different blocks and save where they are into a text so you can load it up later.

Saving / loading objects while game is running

Saving variables to load them after you close and open game

i followed the tutorial but nothing is loading, i dont think it is even saving.

Your load event is repeating global variable child count(building_blocks)/3 times, but it looks like you are storing your save information into a variable called save-all-objects-global. If variable building_blocks does not have the same number of children as save-all-objects-global, that could be throwing it off.

Other than that you might consider a mouse release condition for your save and load events instead of the mouse down.

This is screenshot from that video
Lucky-j pointed you out to one problem

I would compare your screenshot with this screenshot to see if you did make more mistakes