Saving Games and Scores.

Good morning all my wonderful programming friends!

I have now completed, tested, and refined 100 levels of my game. 10 Bosses, A title screen, an instructions screen, a Credits Page(which mind you has your screenm tags on it), and a High Score board.

I am now at the point where the minor stuff can be completed and get this game ready to go.

I am in need of two things.

First. I need to know how to give the player an option to save the game. I know I can set this function to the ESC key and I can draw the menu and buttons etc etc. But what is the exact code to make this possible? Break it down for me so I understand it please. Sometimes you guys give me great advice, but it’s essentially in Swahili and I have no clue what you mean lol.

Second. I am still working on the High score board. I have 5 Global Variables labeled High Score: 1-5. I heve have the Screen and Background created and into the game.

What I need to know is how to write the code so that when a players game is over, the Scoreboarde appears and if they got a higscore the current High Scores will adjust themselves (If player gets Highscore 3, 3 moves to 4, 4 moves to 5, 5 rolls off) and player can then enter their name/tag.

If you are feeling generous and decide to write the code and send me the file, please put in red comments what you did and why so I can learn from you.

As always, Thank you so very much for helping. I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it, I have never meet such a supportive and helpful group on ANY forum in my ENTIRE Game Creation Carreer including when I worked for SOE.