basically a top down game where you move and step on buttons to progress the game. you step on a button, it disappears, spawns whatever and spawns the next button. is there a more efficient way to make this sequence of buttons that isn’t just a million different events and buttons of “if button is pressed, create thing and spawn button 2 at x y”. I can reexplain anything if need be
Can you explain further? Are the buttons close together or spread out? You could add all of the buttons and hide all but one. Show the next button based on an ID variable or some other property. Or maybe switch to the next scene or add the next external layout. It’s tough to know without more details.
I ended up using IDs and a global variable that increases every time you press a button, and depending on the number it reveals the next set of conveyors and I THINK its working so far. the idea is making placing and copy pasting everything easier, I just can’t get the conveyor animations to sync despite resetting them each time a button is pressed
other than organizing is there a better way to do this? and to actually sync the animations
If you’re reseting the frame then the animation should be in sync. Maybe, the frames just don’t line up seamlessly between sprite. Check the animation and the placement.
Instead of restarting the animation, maybe you can set the frame of the new belt to the current frame of the last belt.