I just want to let the player shoots a new bullet… when the bullet he shoot already collides with any object.
You mean like allow only 1 bullet at a time?
You could make variable called BulletCount
Add to your event which fire bullets conditon
Variable BulletCount = 0
So it fires only when it is equal to 0
And 1st action in above condition make
Change variable BulletCount Add 1
So you cannot fire bullet
And in event where you delete bullet add in action
Change variable BulletCount Set to 0
I think you don’t even need a variable. Just check for number of instances of the bullet object in the scene. If it’s 0 then allow shooting; if it’s greater than 0, then don’t allow the player to shoot.
I avoid suggesting that
Cause for number of instances living on scene it works
But users often confuse it with picking instances which will never return 0
Cause it needs to 1st pick something to tell its number
And so it cause confusion
Where variable is kinda like safe approach