Show QR Code in Game


after trying hours and hours (5 days) i need your Help.
I want to show a simple QR Code in the Game. But this has to be transmitted in text form in a JSON document from my webspace)

I tried it

  • as ascii code (generated from my php script) (but cannot show html code in Text)
  • as base64 image (but this is a little bit to difficult to me to bring this in gdevelop)
  • and so much other things and ideas.

But nothing works in javascript (or i am to stupid :smiley: )

what is the best Case to do this?

thank you for your Help

greetings from germany

You can find in GD an example, called ā€œload image from urlā€ in example tab when you start a new project.

You can use url as enter point, if you change the url by an base64 i think you can load your image.

Sorry, I know this thread is old, but itā€™s what I found when searching and led me to implementing this extension that does basically what you were talking about:

Yeah, I know I should polish it up and submitā€¦ but I didnā€™t end up using it because the entropy on QR codes was lower than I anticipatedā€¦ so not very motivated to do so. :bowing_man:

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Works great during testing but HTML builds fail. Just passed it a simple string. Even tried using a local serverā€¦ Could really use this :slight_smile: