Simulate release button?

I am using Mario assets as learning tools for this engine. I created a Goomba object and gave it the platformer behavior. What we are trying to do is make it walk left, and when it hits an object like a wall we built on the right side, we want it to stop pressing left, and change to pressing right. This is driving us insane, we have tried everything we can think of and it just keeps going left.

We also want to find a way to trigger an entire event group to be disabled. These features are possible in Construct, but we are hoping they are features here as well. We are enjoying the interface better here and the cost of use is better, but we are running into issues that shouldn’t be this complicated. Also trying to add a simple pause button toggle, that doesn’t seem to work either. I’ll post some of the examples below. Thanks for any help.

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Don’t put that below the EnemyGoomba is on floor. Make that as a seperate event and see if that works.

That didn’t work either :frowning:

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Ok I got the Goomba to work! I ended up making a variable to start the moving process, and then changed the variable to when Goomba collides with the wall. Then told the system to use a new variable to move to the right.

Now if we can solve my other questions, we might be getting somewhere!

Thanks in advance for the help.

Try adding in a “simulate pressing left key for Enemy goomba” just before “simulate pressing right key for enemy goomba” and make sure its reversed. Then add the event back under EnemyGoomba Is on floor. Its kind of like the example below. Execept Jimmy is goomba, and city ground is invisible walls for you.

I also got a simple pause system going.

Now, any way to disable Event Groups?