[Solved]360 rotation issue

to debug object rotation conditions/actions, rotate toward and flip at .

But isn’t it just moving flip position from left to right?

Like look when it goes from -180 to 180 or from 180 to -180 that is something you want to avoid and that is on the left

But with 360°
The flip is on the right when it goes from 360 to 0 and from 0 to 360
Something lower than like 1 or 2 will be 0 but something lower from 0 will not be 360 but -1 -2
Same with something higher than 360°

So in my mind you just traded where that bad flip is and it solved nothing other than removing - from angles

i agree, but i guess it will not cause flip Glitch? bcs there are no negatives on the right plane…let me show u something…

this is a pretty simple rotate toward action …the big cross is my aiming for spell crossair. You can clearly notice that at -180,180 there is an unwanted flip, but you surely already know this…and it’s something i guess you may not want in your game…now…
I’ve spent a whole year…(no joke ) trying to fix this,without any result…
so your welcome if you have found any working method…

bcs if i shoot a spell at 180 there is a lower chance that the spell is shooted ahead…and thaz bad.

Try to understand issue here is not with - to +
But with difference in values
You cannot avoid difference in values here
Like 0 going down will not be 360 and 360 going up will not be 0
So all you would fix here is change side on which unwanted flip is
While just making 360 units instead of 2 sets of 180

BTW show me your events

there is no more

i just want a full rotation, im not flipping anything,
you cant make this work in the actual angles system same for other rotation actions.

I am not sure is your issue related to the fact you save angle to variable
Cause when i simply set it to stick angle i cannot notice flip

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nope…i’ve tested this

and the same happen to me…
cold u try whit var as my ss.
It could be a bug… at this point i dunno what to think…
i’m using a ds4…it could be the pad?

this is what i assigned to my global…you may notice something i have not?

mmm…i’ve tested without the var and i’ve the same problem…

the hell…which pad are u using?

omg…thx a lot mate i think i’ve figured it out.
What happen is that something happen when i check if the stick is pressed.
So for a ms i guess the var delay my action.
Disabling anty related conditions made it works idd…

you dunno how much time ive spent on this…thx for the video…

now i just need to figure out how to make the swap between mouse and pad recognizable again…

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It can’t be pad
I have around 20 pads i could test them all but i know how they work and it can’t be pad itself
CAUSE it would create issue on each game and not just one in gdevelo

I just read your above message and i decided i not gonna go with my message
BUT for future next time check

Cause what you describe would not match anything related to gamepad cause that’s not how analogs work
And the fact it did work for me was purely indicating you had something in events causing it

Well have fun

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lol i can sleep well tonight…

Solved. :handshake:

it was a matter of event ordering…i feel so dumb…

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