[SOLVED] Add Steam Achievement IDs?

I’m posting a game to Steam soon and wanted to add achievements, but I’ve had some questions.

The action only requests that you enter the “Achievement ID”.

However, my achievement section does not have a column for the achievement ID. From videos and pictures I’ve seen elsewhere, the ID column should be to the left of the “API Name” column, but it simply isn’t there. This MIGHT have something to do with the fact that my game hasn’t been officially released yet and that I have “Profile Features Limited”, but I’m having trouble verifying that. That may also be why the icons don’t load either. If someone could confirm that, that’d be great.

More importantly though, I’m curious HOW the ID number is supposed to be written. Online examples show that ID’s look like this:

So what would I add exactly between the quotes for the action shown in that first photo? Do I literally just write “0/1” then “0/2” then “0/3” etc? The forward-slash seems like a clunky thing to add. Or do I just add the number “1” then “2” then “3” etc.?

Hopefully someone can assist with these issues cause they’re driving me up a wall and I’m baffled by how I can’t seem to find answers to them anywhere.

The issue of achievement icons not loading has now been resolved. Gonna bump this post and ask an easier question that just about anyone can answer.

I don’t use the current version of GDevelop, I have to work within an older version right now for the safety of my project. However, could someone with the current version of GDevelop tell me if the Claim Steam Achievement condition (featured in my first image) still looks the same? Or does it now request different information/have a different layout?

The event is the same. Also, if I remember correctly, the ID in question is the API ID, not the sequence ID. So you want the string name listed there. e.g. Small1

Thanks! That makes a lot more sense since the numerical ID’s are pretty obscure and don’t even display publicly anymore on Steam. I’ll give API a shot when I can and leave an update here in case anyone in the future runs into this problem!

UPDATE: Alright, FINALLY I’ve been able to confirm that it is indeed the API ID that you need to use, and not a numerical/sequence ID. Really wish GDevelop would’ve made that more clear, but I assume they just weren’t aware of the other ID type.


Sp im having the issue where my game is not detecting achievements as well. i folowed what you did but i only have stam achevement code in my game. do i need another string of code to make achievements work???

It’s thankfully pretty straightforward! You just need something to trigger the achievement such as this example. You can ignore the stuff I marked out with black. And your conditions for activating it can be just about anything.

And then in Steam you just need to set up the corresponding achievement like this. The only thing linking them together is the ID name “Small1” in this case.

And that’s it! However, due to a limitation of GDevelop, you won’t get a notification when you unlock an achievement while in full screen. It will still appear in your achievement library, but the pop-up and sound won’t play.

If that still doesn’t work for you, make sure you check out your game properties in GDevelop and add your Steam App ID.

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I never setup the steam id in the properties! Thankyou! This is very exciting!

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