[SOLVED] Allow the players to customize the controls in-game?

Greetings people of GDevelop’s community, I have a little question regarding the controls.

To make it clear, it’s not exactly about using different controls, as many already asked. I’m aware of using different controls to move the characters and perform actions.

I’m talking about giving the players the possibility of changing the controls in-game. In many games, they offer the possibility of letting the player set a command to a different button, to make it more comfortable for them to play.

As an instance, you have a game where you press Z to jump and X to attack. However, some players would prefer to assign the commands to other buttons, like Shift and Control, or maybe H and J. Some players would even be inclined to move the character using W, A, S and D instead of the keyboard controls.

And, since the players will need to change the controls to use in the keyboard, they also might want to change the controls while using a gamepad.

My question is: is it possible to allow the players to customize, in-game, the controls of the game? It goes for both the keyboard and the gamepad.

Thank you for you attention. ^^

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Check here is an example GDevelop 5


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That’s EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you for the help, guys, you’ve saved me! >w<