(SOLVED) Best way to constantly move an object downwards?


What’s the more efficient way to make an object constantly move downwards the screen? As in, the way that’s the less demanding for the computer/the way that will lag the less if there’s a bunch of objects on screen?

I’ve tried Add instant force and Change Y position in events that run constantly throughout the level but both options get laggy after a few objects have spawned on the screen. I’m currently using the Change Y position in the meantime.

Do note I’ve made the code so that when the object is offscreen, it’s hidden and shortly after deleted if not hit at the right time, so there’s around 1-6 objects on screen on average at the same time.

Is there a better way to do this and prevent the lag? The objects are really tiny and I even resized them down 4 times their original size to try and get a better performance, but the game still lags after a few objects have spawned while moving downwards.

The game’s files aren’t heavy at all, and even the animations (that I thought would be the reason of the lag) perform better than the note spawning/moving ;_;

This is for a rhythm game: Throughout this song a total of around 390 notes/objects appear and disappear. (Note: these 390 notes are NOT generated at the same time, nor are they all on screen at the same time; like I said, it ranges from 1 to 6 notes at the same time approximately)

It shouldn’t lag with a handlful of objects. Sounds more like inefficient events. Or too many effects.

Hmm… There’s no effects at all in the scene. So I guess it could be some event

I was testing permanent forces in the meantime (adding them only once the note is spawned), I’ll test it with a build (as previews run better than it actually runs in reality) and if it doesn’t work, I’ll update the first message ^^

Thank you for responding by the way! I’ll take another look at the scene’s events overall and see what I can do if permanent forces aren’t the solution.