[Solved] Camera follow player (Gevelop5)

Hi There,

I’m a complete noob (sorry)… I’ve just started using GDevelop 5 (missing prior versions). I see the tutorials are showing me “Center the camera on an object”… but i cannot find this in version 5.

Any help would be appreciated :wink:


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Here it is

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Do you think it’s missing because I’m using BETA?

This is the condition list…

Ruhan show you the action list.


Thanks Ruhan / Bouh,
!!! I figured it out now.
Thanks again for you help - much much appreciated.


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Give some time to learn what condition and action is .This will help you to understand gdevelop event system better.
The relation between condition and action is like " (Condition) If this happen = (Action) This Program/Action will run "