[Solved] Can't Update API level 34 (23/7 export to day)

i update my app on play console until this day but play comsole alway sent the message to me that i must update API level, i see other people in community is solve this problem, but i still get this message from play console until to day my gdevelop is lastest version,what should i do, my GDevelop is version 5.4.205, subscriptions is silver, thank you for your help

You will have to wait for .206, as mentioned here: [Solved in 5.4.206] Google AdMob SDK Version issue - #2 by Bouh

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The API 34 should be working though, the new update will be for GMA sdk update. So if you have ads in your game, wait for the soon released .206 as Silver-Streak says. In the meantime check for app artifacts, like testing tracks, that have old versions of your app. You can update them and choose update from library and select the latest version of your project that you uploaded.

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thank you, i will wait for the update

When will update .206 be released?