[Solved] Chromebook are using the mobile version , a resolution problem?

I am experiencing a problem with the GDevelop Web App

Basically the Problem is that sometimes it’ll look like the Mobile Version of the Engine even if I am using a Computer but its mainly a problem with Chromebooks
Its hard to work on my Project with it like this
Is there a way to fix this?

Yea i got same problem. (also using chromebook)
For it works fine with CTRL+TOUCHPADZOOM.

is there any way to fix it?

Does it work for you.
EDIT: Are you using chrome.

Yes I am using Chromebook currently and the engine is still acting like Im on mobile

Try to click the 3…
Then navegate to zoom its normaly on 100%.

I did and the zoom is 100 like its supposed to be

The mobile interface appears on small screen resolutions.
What resolution are your Chromebooks?
Typically a PC uses 1920x1080 resolution, try changing to a higher resolution.

Otherwise you can zoom out in the webapp:

The team will look to make an fix in the webapp for this hardware.

I got back on GDevelop and its fixed!
Thank You

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