in this pong-magic themed game, with the spell duplicate activated the ball should hit the shield and create another instance of the ball, but somehow the collision is not detected and the spell does not work.
the main problem is this non-detected collision here
Does the text object “debug” have “activado” in it? I suggest you set it to “” when you toggle mage2.magic3_duplicator, to confirm it’s not left over text.
the porpuse of debug is only for debbuging, I don’t know if it affects in something, but just for curiosity, I also tried without it, and still no working
My purpose of asking if the text object has the phrase “activado” in it is to make sure the game is getting to that event and the conditions are met.
If you want to know if some conditions are met, put in something that indicates it. It can be a text of a text object, a console output message, a sprite or the background changing colour. Anything, as long as it is unique and only happens if the conditions are met.
In your case, if the text does not appear, then it means the conditions aren’t met. That’s what I’m trying to ascertain, how far along the subevent the program goes before the conditions aren’t met.
got you better now, and yeah, the debug displays activated, I already put it on others action places to check, but the only one which does not meet the condition is the collision. Don’t know why yet.
The events you posted in the first post, are they subevents of any other events? Maybe they’re intefering.
If I’m not sure if objects are picked I’ll put the action to rotate an object or change it’s tint in an event without conditions right before the event in question. It gives a nice visual as to whether a previous condition is filtering out an object.
Those events are a sub-event of the button click
The collision and variable checks should probably be on its own line. As is you would need to click the button on the same exact frame as the collision