Is there a way to get the angle that one of the thumbsticks on a controller is being tilted at? I’ve been trying to make it so that the player points in the direction that you push the right thumbstick
Sorry I might have typed something wrong. I’m using an xbox controller with the controller extension but it only lets you check 4 directions with the joystick. So I was wondering if there’s a way either with events or javascript that I can get the angle the the joystick is tilting instead of one of the 4 directions you can check by default with the extension
Ah, no idea about that. I suppose it would be in the extension if it was possible
Can you confirm, @Bouh ?
I note this for an next update of my gamepad extension.
I need think how implement it
I’ve added this new expression for get the angle of sticks on my Gamepad extension. You can download it here.
This is a new numeric expression called Value of a stick rotation
Let me know, this is just a beta for this expression, if all is ok this will be implemented by default in GD.
I tried it out and it seems to be working fine. Thanks!