[Solved] Create objects in Z position

Make it possible to create objects at a specified Z position

Hi Loonnyal,

I believe the reasoning for not including the Z-index in the object creation action might be to prevent bloat and extra parameters in normal functions. Including extra parameters like this would actually increase time spend using it for people who don’t want to have the z index on object creation (for whatever reason).

The good news however, is because you can create your own functions in Gdevelop using the extension editor, you can create your own function to do exactly what you want from inside the editor.

I urge you to get to know and love the extension editor as it really adds an extra dimension to how you use GDevelop. You can also reuse your own extensions in other projects which can really save time if you have certain functions you use often.

I have made a quick and dirty extension to do what you want, with angle also there too because why not :slight_smile: You can import this extension and have a look at it to see how you would make your own function.


You can download the extension from this link: Dropbox

If you need help installing the extension, check out the bottom of this page from the wiki. Install new extensions - GDevelop documentation

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Oh, thank you so so much, It will help me a lot​:kissing::+1:t3: