[Solved] Delete "Open Recent" file in list?

I’ve deleted one project folder because it was no longer needed.:wink:
So in “Open Recent” the project still exists.
How can i delete this one project from this list?:thinking:
Which file do i need to manually edit?


This list is not meant to be edited.
Maybe if you reinstall GDevelop, it will clear it.

Does this mean the list can’t be edited because there is no file (like a .ini) or the list should not be edited?:thinking:

It’s not so important to reinstall GDevelop.

I push this thread one more times :blush: and hope anybody knows more.

  1. Try open GDevelop.
  2. Go toView → Toggle Developer Tools.
  3. Go to Application ->Clear site data.
  4. Close GDevelop and reopen et Voila.

Clear all cache doesn’t exists. :no_mouth:
Clear site data and restart gdevelop doesn’t work.

Sorry to hear that it works for me in Mac maybe in Windows is different.

To delete the complete list i’ve done this steps:
Do not(!) open a game and then do the steps where @UlisesFreitas postet - that works (now).:crazy_face:

But hope there will come a function in a newer version of gdevelop to delete not the complete list but only one entry.:blush:
All “good” applications have this option.:star_struck:

If you want you can open a new thread on “Feature Request” forum.
And ask if this feature can be added.

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