[Solved] G-Develop Glitches?

Alright, that sounds great!

I appreciate the help.

Thank you

Ah, small snag. You’ve zipped up the compiled game, not the source. Have a look at my post about 15 mins ago, about where the game is stored, and have a go at zipping those files.


My projects on G-Develop are located in the cloud, but, it does not give me the option to save it to Google Drive. I have the folder shown earlier and a zipped version of this folder on my device, I am unable to make a shared drive folder to my Google Drive could you please re-explain what I have to do?

What comes up when you click File → Save As?

This is what appears on my device, I’ve made versions of it in my device via. the cloud, I currently have 2, and when I press ‘Your Computer’ it comes up as a weird file name, d2a5adfc-0ac6-423c-9460-aa2973644585 (to be exact)

If you choose your computer, can you change the filename?

Otherwise I’ll see if there’s a way to share a cloud project.

I just checked GDevelop cloud project, and you can’t share/collaborate unless you have a pro license


I hope this works. I gained assistance to do so.

An update for anyone watching this thread - the issue was the global variable “dialoguestate” was not getting reset in the new scenes. Once a “Change variable dialoguestate set to 0” was added, the issue was resolved.

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