So I’m working on this text adventure game per my digital internal at school for ncea. I’m new to G-develop but thought that with tutorials online I would be able to figure it out as I went along, I have begun to encounter various issues and or glitches possibly (according to my teacher, who has never seen these things occur, so I am reaching out to ask for help, if possible please!)
this will have to be published in 3 parts, as the posting system limits me to one image per post PART 1
The first issue I encountered since yesterday, is a lot less broad as it is a code error. In my events for scene 1, following ‘Worriedpixels’ youtube tutorial to create an interactive story adventure game, link here, Link
For your first issue, it appears you are using an extension that is no longer installed in your project. Are you working on a local (PC) version of your project?
Going from the tutorial video, it appears you are using an extension to compare a variable to a number. Is there any reason for this, as you can use GDevelop’s standard variable comparison conditions?
I’m guessing your second issue occurred after a GDevelop update and is with a shortcut on your desktop? If so, I’d suggest removing the shortcut, clicking on windows start menu, finding GDevelop in the list of applications and drag the app to the desktop. This should create a link with an icon.
Part 3 of your issue list is because of issue 1. The error in the up key pressed event will be preventing the actions from being processed, and so the timer is never started. Because it’s never started, the scrolling of the clipped text is never getting actioned.
Good luck with your ncea, and yell out if you need help. My son has just submitted his ncea level 2 comp sci project, and things became a tad stressful when not everything worked as it should have, just as that deadline loomed closer
I appreciate you getting back to me about the issues I am encountering with my G-Develop game. I am quite clueless with programming so regarding your second point could you please expand what you mean by the ‘standard variable comparison conditions’ point? I was just trying to follow along with the tutorial at the time of deciding these choices with my code so am not sure. Additionally, I am not working on a PC, but rather laptops of my own, and occasionally the school desktop in my digital class in terms of the project.
Regarding the second thing, that has worked thank you!
To get the variable comparison, click on the “Add condition” in the event, and type in the word “variable” in the search box. You’ll want the result “Variable value”.
Click on that result, and then enter the variable name, the comparison type and the value to compare it to:
If the variable doesn’t appear in the drop down, add it via the “Add or edit variable” option that appears in the dropdown or click the edit variable icon:
It’s a similar process for the actions, but use the “Change variable value” option:
I took into account these steps, and have included a screenshot of the top half of my code now, however, am a bit worried, as, with my G-Develop game, the issue screenshot of my missing code this morning, sort of fluctuates. On all three devices I rotate between, they will go back to looking like this for a while, before then appearing how they did in the first post. Wanted to know if you may know a reason for this or if it is just my devices being weird.
Additionally, though I have followed these steps you added, thank you very much for the step-by-step process, my dialogue is still stuck on this ‘H’ screen. Do you have any advice on what I could do about this? If needed, I can include the second-half of my code, too!
How are you sharing the project between the 3 devices? And does the issue arise after using one of the devices, or any of them? Maybe keep track of this over the next while, and see if a pattern emerges.
Yes, you’ve used a variable name instead of your timer name - you’re starting a timer named “scroll”, but checking the value of a timer named “textscrollspeed”.
Second, I noticed that flaw in my code and have adjusted it now to be the same, all “textscrollspeed” in this linked image, however, am wondering what I still need to adjust to get this working as I am still encountering the same issue?
You’re comparing the value of a timer named “textScrollSpeed” with a variable of the same name. But a timer with that name doesn’t exist, and so the second to last event in your screen shot never gets actioned.
All the timer names (highlighted by the red boxes below) need to be the same:
I have tried implementing this feedback making all of my code, “textScrollSpeed” in those highlighted areas as linked below. This issue is still occurring, however.
I just noticed that error in my code thank you, and have adjusted it accordingly. My game is still encountering this issue however. Just in case, I have included the second half of my code as well incase there is an issue there?
GDevelop names are case sensitive. That means “Emma” is not the same as “emma”, because the uppercase “E” and lowercase “e” are considered to be different.
You have 2 timer names - “textScrollSpeed” with an uppercase ‘S’ in the blue boxes and “textScrollspeed” with a lowercase ‘s’ in the red boxes.
Since the timer in the red boxes is never started, it doesn’t exist and the condition is always false, meaning the actions are never processed.
Correct the red boxed timer names to have the upper case ‘S’ for the word “Speed”, and it should all be good to go.
I have also looked into this feedback and made adjustments to my code. The issue is still occurring, however, and I want to know if there are any other suggestions or errors I may have that are preventing it.